Day 16 of NaNoWriMo.

My novel is currently at 31,000 words and I hope to write a couple thousand more before bed tonight. I'm also reading Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury and audiobooking Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne as I commute to and from work.

Without going into too much (or really any) detail, something fantastic happened to my protagonist this week. As I've mentioned before, this is my 3rd-ish version of a story I started telling to my sisters when I was in the 8th grade. I'm rewriting it without looking at any of the previous versions, which forces me to take a character and plot I know well and expand them both into new and previously unexplored situations. Because of this, something happened so naturally in my writing that I was amazed I hadn't written it before--at least once. It changed the whole tone of the story and gave real-world perspective to my red-headed sci-fi teen. And thank goodness I have a real-world red-headed teen to eavesdrop on for dialogue inspiration. She's been very (unwittingly) helpful.

I've reread a lot of my old poems and think that maybe December should be Write-a-Poem-a-Day month for me. I'll let you know how that goes.

Blog off.